Thursday, April 29, 2010

How to Use Dryer Lint

Did you ever wonder if there was something you could do with dryer lint besides throw it away? Here are a few tricks and hints to put that dryer lint to good use.

Dryer lint can be composted. Since compost needs nitrogen rich like vegetable scraps, lawn trimmings and carbon rich materials like dryer lint to make a good balanced compost, you can throw it right in.

Make a draft stopper. Don't pay money for a custom draft stopper. Take a piece of fabric the length of your door or window where the draft is coming in. Cut a 5 inch strip of fabric fold over and sew together. Before securing the ends stuff with dryer lint. Now you have a perfect customs draft stopper

Lint also makes a great camping tool. Pack along some lint to start fires easy. It's light weight so it's perfect for backpackers too.

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