Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Coca Cola is a Leader in Company Recycling Programs

Coca Cola is blazing new trails when it comes to recycling policies within the company. Looking at new ways to recycle 100% of their products in to reusable items helps them to reduce their carbon footprint. Coke is also helping people to start recycling programs in their communities by working with local curbside collection organizations.
With water conservation projects and climate protection changes their company is working on creating the planet a greener place to live, work and play. Take a look at their site and see all the programs they are implementing.
Recently they released this statement "PlantBottle PET plastic bottles are made partially from plants, which reduces the Company's dependence on a non-renewable resource -- petroleum. It is 100 percent recyclable, and preliminary research indicates that from the growing of the plant materials through to the production of the resin, the carbon footprint for the PlantBottle packaging is smaller than bottles made with traditional PET."
The company has also just released their new cooling machine that works off carbon dioxide and eliminates HFC-Free insulation, eliminating 99 percent of the direct green house gas emissions. Take a look at the article.
Hopefully in the years to come many other large corporations will take a look at the model Coca Cola is setting and join them in creating sustainable products and the ability to look at reusing in a creative way.

Good Job Coke

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