Friday, November 20, 2009

Good Clean Air Indoors

You may have heard that having indoor plants can keep your indoor air cleaner. But how many plants does it take and does it really help?

A study from NASA confirms that common indoor houseplants can filter the air and remove close to 87% of all toxins with in 24 hours. That sounds like good news to me. You don't need as many plants as you may be thinking. An average home, which is about 1800 sq feet, needs between 15-18 plants that are at least 6 inches in diameter. While that may seem like a lot of plants to care for, placing at least two plants in each room in your house will quickly add up. Not only will you be adding to the beauty of your house by bringing the outdoors in, but you will be breathing cleaner, greener air in no time.


  1. I think this is a great idea especially as we head into colder weather and we close our house up tight.

  2. I was looking for something for my housebound grandmother. I think I will buy her a few plants to add beauty and clean air! Plus, I will regularly go "visit" and water them for her.
