Monday, July 11, 2011

Controlling Kitchen Pests

Kitchen pests might be one of the most annoying things to try and rid yourself of. Once those little buggers have found their way in its difficult to deter them. Add your children to the mix and your options just dropped down to a few.
We have had ant problems and moth problems in the recent months and both were more then annoying. We thought a few moths had gotten into the house from letting the dog in and out but soon they were everywhere. We did our best to kill everyone we saw but within weeks they just multiplied. Then we had ants coming in. The first place I went was my pantry. While the ants were not in the pantry I did find the moths. Oh the moths! They were in everything. We had to throw out at least $100 worth of food, anything that was open or clipped shut had moths in it. Everything but canned food was thrown out. It was a hot mess.
We scrubbed, we bombed, we sprinkled cinnamon and cloves and slowly we gained back control of our pantry.

Since then I have learned the power of peppermint and citronella essential oils. These wonder oils, or so I call them drive the pests away and are safe to use in your houseful of children and pets. They smell wonderful to us, but ants, centipedes, earwigs, silverfish, moths and mice hate it!. That just makes me love it even more. These two oils are very inexpensive and just a few drops applied once a month around your kitchen, pantry or where ever the little buggers are hanging out will deter them from coming back.
Quick, easy and safe way to get those kitchen pests packing.

1 comment:

  1. This is so good to know because I have tried every natural remedy under the sun to rid my home of ants! Definitely gonna give this one a try. Especially since it will make my house smell good at the same time...thanks.
