Saturday, March 6, 2010

Were our Grandparents Greener Then Us?

While researching green ideas for this blog it hit me; my grandparents were quite good at being "green". Plastic food containers were used more than once. Sure they were not all interlocking, matching or pretty, but they did the job as well as an expensive set. If it was above freezing, clothes were hung outside to dry. Clothes that were worn for a short time were worn a second time before washing. Rinse water from the dishes was used to water the garden. Bathwater was used to flush the toilet. Okay, that last one might be just a little out there, but what if every American reused bath water to flush toilets. How many gallons would we save in a year, in a month?

Living though the depression did raise a truly green generation. It seems the children of those who lived through the depression did not understand the concept of frugality and saving. They made fun of their parents, and raised a generation of consumers verses recyclers.

Look back to your grandparents parents. What did they do that would be considered a green idea today?

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