Friday, December 31, 2010

What Do You Do With Excess Coffee Filters?

Do you have an excess of coffee filters laying around? If so, we have some fun and frugal ideas on how to use them.
  1. Cover food in the microwave with them. Often times food splatters, these would make a quick cover.
  2. Make an instant funnel.
  3. Put a filter in between your cast iron skillets to keep them from rusting.
  4. Fill one with baking soda and hang where needed to make the air fresher.
  5. Clean your glasses with them.
  6. Polish your mirrors with good quality filters.
  7. Use them to catch drips from your kids' favorite ice cream or Popsicle treats.
  8. Line your potted plants with filters to help you when transplanting.
  9. Use them as single serve holders, like for hot dogs, popcorn or dry cereal.
  10. Store fragile Christmas decoration in them.

I'm sure you can think of even more ways...Let us know and lets get creative with our recycling.

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