Thursday, May 27, 2010

Environment Friendly Dog Poo Composter

For the first time in my life I have a dog. While growing up I was allowed to have a cat or other small creature, dogs were not on the list of animals I could choose. Last year my husband bought me the cutest little yellow Labrador. One thing I didn't bargain for was how big this cute puppy could get. I'm sure you know where I am going with this. As he grew so did his, how can we put this, piles.

I love google! When I have a problem, google always has the answer. Enter the dog poo composter. It's a simple little contraption based on a larger septic system. This little guy can handle 2 very large dogs, or in my case 1 big Labrador, or up to 4 smaller dogs. As long as you add a little mixture and some water every now and then it's works perfect.

Now if I could just teach the dog how to use it himself.

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