Thursday, May 28, 2009

Small is Beautiful---Dwarf Veggies-Container Gardening

Have you ever wanted to garden but don't feel you have the space? Try dwarf varieties of vegetables. You can find just about any veggie you want to grow in a dwarf variety. These types can be grown in containers or roof-top gardens and can provide your family with the much needed fresh vegetables. One of my my families favorite veggies to grow is zucchini. Here is a recipe we use to eat baby zucchini.
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 med. onion, sliced
2 med. zucchini, thinly sliced

Heat the olive oil. Saute garlic and onion for one minute, then add the zucchini.

Sauteed veggies are a great way to enjoy fresh summer produce. Plant some veggies today, you have no excuses.


  1. What a nice idea. I live in New York with little patio space. These zucchini may work great for my wife and I. When is the best time to plant zucchini?

  2. I have planted in containers for years..they work great and you use less water.

  3. Planting Zucchini after the first frost is best in every time zone.

  4. I gave up my container garden last year due to bus invading my pots. Do you notice any pests on your plants? If so, how to you get rid of them the "green" way?

  5. Woops, I meant bugs. I didn't have buses in my potted plants. That would be a real problem!
