Saturday, March 28, 2009

Engage your Kids in Active Participation in Saving the Environment

When you engage your children to help recycle your household products, you will be amazed at how much they want to be involved. Our children have found time each day to recycle junk mail, boxes, cans and milk jugs. We make this a part of our everyday chores. We used to have to sort the recycling, but now we have a container that it all goes into and our city services pick them up every two weeks for free. Check your local city utilities to find out if you have a program in your town.
At Planet Gift Baskets, our company recycles every day also. We try and reuse some packing materials that are sent to us and we always recycle our cardboard that supplies are shipped to us in. We have noticed that many companies are now shipping their supplies to us in recycled boxes, we then in turn pass those along to our recycling center. We are constantly looking for ways to pack our items with less materials, also.
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  1. We make a weekly game of sorting through our recyclables. Our kids are aged 4,7 and 9. We try and have fun while collecting recycled items from around the house and yard. We live on a busy street with a lot of foot traffic. Each week we go out front and find the most unusual items to recycle.

  2. The other day I went to throw away a soda can because I couldn't find a quick recycling can. I thought of your post about one aluminum can. I made the extra effort and found a recycling bin. It feels good to do my part. :)

  3. Recently I had a great recycling experience when I went shopping at my local home improvement store for seed starting flats to start growing lettuce seeds. The garden center was completely out of the flats when the manager who had overheard me talking with an employee about the flats approached me with one of the flats that their nursery pots are delivered in. He said that since I could not find what I was looking for I could take as many of the nursery pot flats that I wanted for my lettuce seeds for FREE! He mentioned that the growers just throw them away and that it was such a waste. He mentioned that I could always come back for more if I needed them. Thanks to the insight of this manager a good number of these flats will not be taken to the landfill and they will be used to provide nutritous greens for my family. How's that for going green!

  4. Great Job! I love to hear people who actually work at recycling and going green. If we all do our part...
